Compass Winter Camp Sign Up

Covenant Harbor 1724 W Main Street, Lake Geneva, WI

Sign up for Compass Winter Camp 2/14-2/15 Cost $189 minus Anchor Student Gift $50 = $139 (this amount is less if you participated in the Timber Ridge Fundraiser on 11/18)...

No Buoy

Covenant Harbor 1724 W Main Street, Lake Geneva, WI

Buoy Christmas Break

Dinner Party

ZAAB Corner Bistro 501 Broad St, Lake Geneva, WI

Anchor's December Pop-in Dinner has been scheduled! Please join us at ZAAB Corner Bistro in Lake Geneva December 19th at 6:30 pm *Please RSVP to Pete & Pat Heintzelman by...

Christmas Eve Service

Horticultural Hall 330 Broad St, Lake Geneva, WI, United States

55+ Celebration of King Knuts Day

Klockar's Home

King Knut's birthday signals the official Swedish end of Christmas- taking down the tree, eating up all the goodies, burning all the candles-- **Bring your favorite appetizer or snack to...