Adult Ministries

We invite you to get  involved in Christian Spiritual Formation in addition to Sunday Worship.

Adult Grow 

Sunday | 9:30-10:15

Meets Weekly in the Badger Commons

Study Guide 1

Study Guide 2

Study Guide 3

Study Guide 4

Men’s Coffee

Wednesdays  | 7am

Men’s coffee is meeting weekly at Boxed & Burlap.

Please join us for our hour of conversation and fellowship. There is no agenda and we avoid talking about politics. We close out our hour with prayer for each other, our families and out church.
If you have questions you may contact Pete at

Women’s Bible Study

Tuesdays | 1:30-3:30 

She Reads Truth

Thursday | 12pm

Meditate on the Word, Day and Night:  Would you like accountability in being in the Word each day?  Join us for SRT Bible Study.


Are you 55+ and looking for ways to connect?
Contact Julie in the church office to join the 55+ email invitation list and hear about future gatherings.

Pop In Life Groups:

Monthly Intentions

Ongoing Life Groups:

This is a place you can jump in anytime to belong and be known. Anchor is offering everything from weekly coffee gatherings to 6 week series studies. if you’d like more information about these groups please contact the church office:

Anchor Covenant Church, 1229 Park Row Lake Geneva WI 53147   |  |  262.903.6888

Sunday Worship 10:30am online and in person